Our hosting ensures
data security and confidentiality

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Data security is a key factor in patients' privacy protection and regulatory compliance, in particular since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in 2018.

The ClinInfo solution operates on dedicated servers installed in two facilities: one in Europe (France), one in the US (Pittsburgh, PA). Both solutions are ISO-27001 certified, and the European hosting solution also has a Health Data Hosting Certification (HDS) delivered by the French Ministry of Health.
The two data-centers comply with the state of art in term of security, back-up, remote monitoring.
Availability is permanently measured above 99%.


Protection of your data and our digital tools is the core of our concerns. We ensure a maximal protection of the IT infrastructure during the complete lifecycle of your project:
- Digital security: last generation firewall, anti-virus, regular vulnerability report, intrusion tests in « hacker » mode


All your data are daily saved and securely transferred to a distant backup data-center, ready to be used in case of unavailability, highly improving the recovery time.

Our data-center also includes important protections against the most common service unavailability causes: Internet connection owned and redundant, emergency power supply generator, spare servers reado to be installed or protections against fire and flood.
A DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) has been planned in addition to all these previous actions.